Datum / Čas
Date / Time

25/01/19 - 27/01/19
14:00 - 18:00


Therapiezentrum Hyrtlgasse

 English version

Organized by Vienna Buddhafield

Do Vídně se pojede autem. Kdo máte zájem sdílet cestu, ozvěte se Nadeenovi. Seminář bude probíhat v Anglickém jazyce. Možnost překladu do češtiny.

Fire of Transformation by Devageet 25.-27. January 2019 in Vienna!

Devageet will not be able to come to Vienna because of health reasons but the group will be held by long time trained and experienced assistants of Devageet Suparna and Aneesha, group assistents are Vadano and Yamouna.
Devageet has found and explored a self-healing method, to uncover and release trauma and their belief patterns.
Devageet engages himself since decades for the development of the consciousness. He is the creator of a multitude of self healing methods through which we have access to our own inner wisdom and intuition. The transformation of unconscious blockades and traumata brings more clarity, awareness and presence.
This weekend offers the unique opportunity, to get to know from Devageets trained team the qualities of these self transformation tools!
The focus is directed on meditation, love and awareness.
Group start: 2 pm friday 25.1., end 6 pm sunday 27.1.
Info talk: 7 pm thursday 24.1. (25.-)

Location: Therapiezentrum Hyrtlgasse,www.therapiezentrum-hyrtlgasse.at
€ 320.– , Info and Booking: atibha@yahoo.com,www.dwari-lifeskills.net, +43.650.269 76 49

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