OSHO Nataraj meditace


Nataraj je energie tance. Je to tanec jako naprostá meditace, kde všichni vnitřní oddělenosti zmizí a zůstane jemné, uvolněné vědomí.

Meditace má tři fáze a trvá 65 minut.

První fáze: 40 minut
Se zavřenýma očima tancuj tak, jako by jsi byl posedlý. Dovol tvému nevědomí převzít vedení. Nekontroluj své pohyby a sleduj, co se děje. Buď jen zcela v tanci.

Druhá fáze: 20 minut
Zavři si oči a ihned si lehni. Buď v tichu a bez pohybu.

Třetí fáze: 5 minut
Tancuj v oslavě a užij si to.

Nataraj is the energy of dance. This is dance as a total meditation, where all inner division disappears and a subtle, relaxed awareness remains.

“Forget the dancer, the center of the ego; become the dance. That is the meditation. Dance so deeply that you forget completely that ‘you’ are dancing and begin to feel that you are the dance. The division must disappear; then it becomes a meditation. „If the division is there, then it is an exercise: good, healthy, but it cannot be said to be spiritual. It is just a simple dance. Dance is good in itself – as far as it goes it is good. After it, you will feel fresh, young. But it is not meditation yet. The dancer must go, until only the dance remains…. Don’t stand aside, don’t be an observer. Participate! „And be playful. Remember the word playful always – with me it is very basic.” Osho

The meditation has three stages, lasting a total of 65 minutes.

First Stage: 40 minutes
With eyes closed, dance as if possessed. Let your unconscious take over completely. Do not control your movements or witness what is happening. Just be totally in the dance.

Second Stage: 20 minutes
Keeping your eyes closed, lie down immediately. Be silent and still.

Third Stage: 5 minutes
Dance in celebration and enjoy.

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